Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm is the first of what is the longest series of Naruto games. This was originally released all the way back in 2008 and it has become one of the most popular series of Naruto games of all time. The game saw its most recent release this generation, but how does this original game hold up?
From The Beginning
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These days we are kind of spoiled with our stories in fighting games. Even the most recent game in the Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm series went all-in with its storytelling. For this first game, they were very basic and even basic by 2008 standards. You will play through some of the most memorable events of the anime, but there is no real drama to it all.
The story is told rather poorly if I am honest in that there is no proper voice acting and a severe lack of cinematics. One second you are in the forest and the next in the village with nothing to transition it. It is not horrible by any means, but it is severely lacking in contrast to what the series would offer, but hey it had to start somewhere.
Like An Anime, Touched For The Very First Time
One of the benefits of using cell-shaded graphics is that they can age like a fine wine. Even now after a decade, I would say that Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm is a fantastic looking game. The characters, the locations and everything in between in this game has a high level of polish to it and looks like the show. The soundtrack is rocking and certainly jacks you up, but I do wish that it had a lot of voice acting to really get you more invested.
Simple, But Fun
Again, I must say that this is the first game in this series so you have to take that into consideration when talking about the gameplay. This is a fighting game and part of the charm of it for me is that it is a fighting game that anyone can jump in and play. It is a very simple game to get the basics of and you could probably even call it a button masher.
Each character's special abilities are different and it is timing when and where to use these that is the key to victory. This for me is where the strategy comes into play, but to get the most fun out of this I do feel that you have to play with another person and not take it too seriously. Two Naruto fans just going at it will have a blast with this. I like how there are plenty of unlockables to obtain and this is awesome if you are a fan of the show. Plus, it gives you a reason to play through the story.
For a first try, I feel that they did a great job with Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm. They started the series out on the right foot and would improve on it as they moved forward. I played this recently with my son (the PlayStation 3 version) and we had a lot of fun. I think that this has aged far better as a multiplayer game than it has a single-player game. It is not bad, far from it, but I do feel its sequels improved on pretty much every aspect.
Final Score: 7/10
- The game still looks fantastic
- Plenty of characters to play as
- It is the kind of game anyone can play
- Very easy to get the hang of
- Plenty of fun things to unlock and collect
Download Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Generation For Win 10 Xp
Download Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Generation For Win 10 64-bit
- It is a good game, but the sequels are better
- A serious lack of voice acting from the show
Each character's special abilities are different and it is timing when and where to use these that is the key to victory. This for me is where the strategy comes into play, but to get the most fun out of this I do feel that you have to play with another person and not take it too seriously. Two Naruto fans just going at it will have a blast with this. I like how there are plenty of unlockables to obtain and this is awesome if you are a fan of the show. Plus, it gives you a reason to play through the story.
For a first try, I feel that they did a great job with Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm. They started the series out on the right foot and would improve on it as they moved forward. I played this recently with my son (the PlayStation 3 version) and we had a lot of fun. I think that this has aged far better as a multiplayer game than it has a single-player game. It is not bad, far from it, but I do feel its sequels improved on pretty much every aspect.
Final Score: 7/10
- The game still looks fantastic
- Plenty of characters to play as
- It is the kind of game anyone can play
- Very easy to get the hang of
- Plenty of fun things to unlock and collect
Download Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Generation For Win 10 Xp
Download Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Generation For Win 10 64-bit
- It is a good game, but the sequels are better
- A serious lack of voice acting from the show
NARUTO SHIPPIUDEN: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 - Full Burst is the ultimate Naruto experience available to play on your PC.
The game takes place in the incredibly popular world of the anime/manga, Naruto. Naruto as a series began as a one shot back in 1997 and was serialised in 1999 before spawning an animated series in 2002. Since then it's spread from its homeland of Japan through out the world and been syndicated in countless languages across countless countries.
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The story itself revolves around a young ninja named Naruto who wants to become Hokage, the head ninja of his village basically. As with a lot of popular manga/anime the story revolves around a constant struggle to prove oneself and leads the viewer through endlessly thrilling and bombastic fight scenes as our hero struggles on through his journey.
Download Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Generation For Win 10 Pro
The game is a fighting game with players pitched in thrilling combat playing as and against 80 characters made famous by the anime and manga. There is a story campaign where players can play through a superbly written story much akin to the TV series. You'll be treated to lavishly made cut scenes that intersperse and connect the multitude of fights you'll have with a whole range of the cast.
There's also the usual host of game modes that let players spar off against each other or AI opponents. If you're itching to settle a beef or if you want to know how a particular show down from the show would go down if you were in charge, then go right ahead.
The fights themselves reward skillful use of combos and timing. Each character has a number of special moves they can perform if you build up their special ability. These abilities are thrilling affairs that tear the battlegrounds apart and rival a fourth of July celebration in terms of spectacle. The environments themselves are detailed and true to the original work. A lot of the environments boast destructible scenery also that adds a whole new layer of awesome to your fights.
The control system should be relatively simple to pick up if you have a small amount of experience with fighters. Otherwise you may struggle to keep up with more skillful human opponents or the harder of AI opponents. A bit of practice and maybe a little independent research though and you'll be pulling off combos like a pro.
So whether you're a fan of the show or a fan of fighting games in general, this one is a definite must. Even if you're just looking for a fun way to settle an argument then Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 - Full Blast gets our seal of approval.
- True to the Series
- Great Graphics
- Incredible Set Pieces
- Well Presented Story
- Controls and Pace Could be Tricky for Beginners